
Scary Story

Scary story

A soft breeze filled the air with a rotting stench, they were all dead and now the deadly creatures were coming for him. He stumbled through the bracken, hoping that his little sister would escape with the little baby, hoping that this would not be the end. The memory of the torn mangled villagers filled his mind, their sightless eyes conveying more pain than the last living ones, who gratefully sunk into deaths deep embrace as their hearts finally finished their beating song. Shadows had gracefully flickered as he and the rest of his family had come back, his mother had silently passed the baby to his sister as she knelt on the bloodied ground and looked at them with deep despair battling pride in her beautiful brown blue eyes. They knew that they would have to leave their parents and run for their lives, hoping that they would reach the safe haven at the end of the forest. A patch of moonlight lit his path as he ran; a snapped branch on his left gave him strength so that he sprinted to the edge of the forest before tripping and landing half in the forest and half out of the forest. He then felt something bite his foot and with the last of his strength dragged himself out before collapsing on the ground, exhausted. The thing that bit his foot shuddered as light hit its grotesque gray skin and let go before slumping to the ground and began to burn in the moonlight. His ragged breathe was the only sound he heard as he wished his sister would hurry and get out of there. Groaning in pain he began to drag himself to the river; that was where he would meet his sister, if she came.

       His sister was moving through the forest on silent feet, move quickly and quietly, she thought. Mother, father, why didn’t you run with us, she bitterly thought. The moon was full so she wouldn’t have to worry about the creatures once she was out of the forest. These things had haunted the woods for as long as she could remember, and longer. No one knew what they were, or where they came from. All that they knew was that they could not come out into the sunlight, or moonlight, and live. She shook her head angrily while thinking, come on focus. Lifting her head, her breathe caught in her throat, looking at her was a grey face. She didn’t move, neither did it. It looked at her with curious big black eyes, its head was slightly tilted to the left like a dogs.  The grey thing looked like a cat, sort of, its face looked human and it had short twisted hair. This is what we are afraid of, she thought, how can this tiny creature do any harm? As if in answer to her question it smiled, shocked at the sudden change in its innocence she blinked, nope the razor sharp teeth were still there. All in a neat row they gleamed.

“You are one of the funky chickens,” it said in a sing song voice, much to her surprise, “you will be ours.” It hissed with delight.

“But what about my family,” she protested, it looked at her with a curious amused expression as she continued, “and I am not a chicken, I’m a girl, a human.”

“Humans are food, so, you are food.” It tensed to pounce, she ran, it laughed a horrible laugh as it pursued her. She panted as she ran, fear giving her speed as the laughter changed to a growl, hoping that it would not catch her she sprinted in the direction of the moonlight. She was almost there, it leaped onto her neck and she let out a blood curdling scream as it sank its teeth into her neck before being swatted by her brother as it felt moonlight start burning its flesh. He watched as it died before turning back to his sister, he put her head in his lap and stroked her hair as he watched her life blood drain.

“Cora,” he said, his voice breaking, “cora, don’t leave me.” He pleaded.

“Zack,” she breathed, “take care of our little sister.” That was the last thing she ever said, he could only watch in horror as her head rolled to the side, she no longer breathed, her heart was still, but at least she didn’t die alone, he thought. Picking up his little sister he started to limp away, looking back one last time he thought that he saw a flash of gray in the shadows. He turned back to the river and continued to the next village, he would never sleep well again, but always longed for the time when he would join his family. The only thing that kept him there was his infant sister, until he died ten years later, the bite on his ankle purple and poisonous. Only his sister lived through it, and she will always be, the only one.



Twisted staircase slick with blood,

Sweet sorry blood that has a tale,

That blood was shed by the wretched creature,

The mortal that has haunted by moonlight,

That hunts by moonlight,

That lives by moonlight.


Blood trickled down the walls as a young girl tried to wake her brother. A shadowy creature slunk along the wall barely out of sight. The red eyes glowed like embers, its paw steps echoed on the stone of the castle. There was nothing to hide behind besides the beds were her injured brother lay. It had come to finish him off; it had come to satisfy its eternal thirst, for a short period of time. It lunged and met the innocent girls club as it tried desperately to reach them, short clawed arms reaching for them as the girl used her dagger to finish it off. But in vain for as the creature died her brothers shallow breathe sped before slowing, slowing and finally, stopping. The girl in vain screamed his name, but it was of no use. She was alone, forever. Never to know the sweet loving care of another, for, at that moment the shadowy creatures’ pawed hand came and rested, curled around her throat before being pulled back. All were dead. All had died.


Last One

Gasping they ran, hopes dashed against the cold hard skin of the creature that pursued them,  but rose again as the distant horizon began to glow with the first light of dawn. The creature that was hunting them was the very thing that came to this valley many years ago, the thing that only sunlight could kill. The boy in the front suddenly realized with horror that they wouldn’t escape; it was the time-of-no-sun, the only day of the year when the dog like creature ran rampage on the land, the only time when they couldn’t run. The group stopped at the bottom of a cliff wall, and slowly turned to face the last thing they would see, the face of a monster. Trembling with fear they watched the werewolf leisurely make its way down the hill. It moved with an entrancing grace before jumping towards them. The group of people searching for them started as they heard the boy’s last screams. They ran and quickly found the mangled bodies, the only one still intact pointed behind them. They turned and saw the wolf man leap towards them, none of them were even found, not even the wolf man, but wolves still howl to see if he’s out there. He is. But we don’t know when he’s coming back.

'middle Pack brother': 'if this is shadows revenge for what the pup did then i think that we should keep her in a good mood...' said while sitting down with large lump on head
'younger Pack sister': places cold pack on lump 'i don't think that those stories are fake and why did you sneak into Shadows room in the first place?'
'middle Pack brother': 'i wanted to see what she had writen on halloween, i didn't think that this month made her so bloodthirsty...'